Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Raising Children

OPINION Raising Successful Children Lizzy Stewart By MADELINE LEVINE * PHRASES like â€Å"tiger mom† and â€Å"helicopter parent† have made their way into everyday language. But does overparenting hurt, or help? Related * Sunday Book Review: ‘Teach Your Children Well’ by Madeline Levine (July 29, 2012) Related in Opinion * Room for Debate: Are Olympic Parents Supportive or Overbearing? (August 2, 2012) While parents who are clearly and embarrassingly inappropriate come in for ridicule, many of us find ourselves drawn to the idea that with just a bit more parental elbow grease, we might turn out children with great talents and assured futures.Is there really anything wrong with a kind of â€Å"overparenting lite†? Parental involvement has a long and rich history of being studied. Decades of studies, many of them by Diana Baumrind, a clinical and developmental psychologist at the University of California, Berkeley, have found that the optimal parent is one who is involved and responsive, who sets high expectations but respects her child’s autonomy.These â€Å"authoritative parents† appear to hit the sweet spot of parental involvement and generally raise children who do better academically, psychologically and socially than children whose parents are either permissive and less involved, or controlling and more involved. Why is this particular parenting style so successful, and what does it tell us about overparenting? For one thing, authoritative parents actually help cultivate motivation in their children.Carol Dweck, a social and developmental psychologist at Stanford University, has done research that indicates why authoritative parents raise more motivated, and thus more successful, children. In a typical experiment, Dr. Dweck takes young children into a room and asks them to solve a simple puzzle. Most do so with little difficulty. But then Dr. Dweck tells some, but not all, of the kids how very bright and capab le they are. As it turns out, the children who are not told they’re smart are more motivated to tackle increasingly difficult puzzles.They also exhibit higher levels of confidence and show greater overall progress in puzzle-solving. This may seem counterintuitive, but praising children’s talents and abilities seems to rattle their confidence. Tackling more difficult puzzles carries the risk of losing one’s status as â€Å"smart† and deprives kids of the thrill of choosing to work simply for its own sake, regardless of outcomes. Dr. Dweck’s work aligns nicely with that of Dr. Baumrind, who also found that reasonably supporting a child’s autonomy and limiting interference results in better academic and emotional outcomes.Their research confirms what I’ve seen in more than 25 years of clinical work, treating children in Marin County, an affluent suburb of San Francisco. The happiest, most successful children have parents who do not do fo r them what they are capable of doing, or almost capable of doing; and their parents do not do things for them that satisfy their own needs rather than the needs of the child. The central task of growing up is to develop a sense of self that is autonomous, confident and generally in accord with reality. If you treat your walking toddler as if she can’t walk, you diminish her confidence and distort reality.Ditto nightly â€Å"reviews† of homework, repetitive phone calls to â€Å"just check if you’re O. K. † and â€Å"editing† (read: writing) your child’s college application essay. Once your child is capable of doing something, congratulate yourself on a job well done and move on. Continued, unnecessary intervention makes your child feel bad about himself (if he’s young) or angry at you (if he’s a teenager). But isn’t it a parent’s job to help with those things that are just beyond your child’s reach? Why is it overparenting to do for your child what he or she is almost capable of? Think back to when your toddler learned to walk.She would take a weaving step or two, collapse and immediately look to you for your reaction. You were in thrall to those early attempts and would do everything possible to encourage her to get up again. You certainly didn’t chastise her for failing or utter dire predictions about flipping burgers for the rest of her life if she fell again. You were present, alert and available to guide if necessary. But you didn’t pick her up every time. You knew she had to get it wrong many times before she could get it right. HANGING back and allowing children to make mistakes is one of the greatest challenges of parenting.It’s easier when they’re young — tolerating a stumbling toddler is far different from allowing a preteenager to meet her friends at the mall. The potential mistakes carry greater risks, and part of being a parent is minimi zing risk for our children. What kinds of risks should we tolerate? If there’s a predator loose in the neighborhood, your daughter doesn’t get to go to the mall. But under normal circumstances an 11-year-old girl is quite capable of taking care of herself for a few hours in the company of her friends. She may forget a package, overpay for an item or forget that she was supposed to call home at noon.Mastery of the world is an expanding geography for our kids, for toddlers, it’s the backyard; for preteens, the neighborhood, for teens the wider world. But it is in the small daily risks — the taller slide, the bike ride around the block, the invitation extended to a new classmate — that growth takes place. In this gray area of just beyond the comfortable is where resilience is born. So if children are able to live with mistakes and even failing, why does it drive us crazy? So many parents have said to me, â€Å"I can’t stand to see my child unh appy. † If you can’t stand to see your child unhappy, you are in the wrong business.The small challenges that start in infancy (the first whimper that doesn’t bring you running) present the opportunity for â€Å"successful failures,† that is, failures your child can live with and grow from. To rush in too quickly, to shield them, to deprive them of those challenges is to deprive them of the tools they will need to handle the inevitable, difficult, challenging and sometimes devastating demands of life. While doing things for your child unnecessarily or prematurely can reduce motivation and increase dependency, it is the inability to maintain parental boundaries that most damages child development.When we do things for our children out of our own needs rather than theirs, it forces them to circumvent the most critical task of childhood: to develop a robust sense of self. There is an important distinction between good and bad parental involvement. For example , a young child doesn’t want to sit and do his math homework. Good parents insist on compliance, not because they need their child to be a perfect student but because the child needs to learn the fundamentals of math and develop a good work ethic.Compare this with the parent who spends weeks â€Å"helping† his or her child fill out college applications with the clear expectation that if they both work hard enough, a â€Å"gotta get into† school is a certainty. (While most of my parent patients have graduated from college, it is always a telltale sign of overparenting when they talk about how â€Å"we’re applying to Columbia. †) In both situations parents are using control, in the first case behavioral (sit down, do your math) and in the second psychological (â€Å"we’re applying. †) It is psychological control that carries with it a textbook’s worth of damage to a child’s developing identity.If pushing, direction, motiva tion and reward always come from the outside, the child never has the opportunity to craft an inside. Having tutors prep your anxious 3-year-old for a preschool interview because all your friends’ children are going to this particular school or pushing your exhausted child to take one more advanced-placement course because it will ensure her spot as class valedictorian is not involved parenting but toxic overparenting aimed at meeting the parents’ need for status or affirmation and not the child’s needs.So how do parents find the courage to discard the malpractice of overparenting? It’s hard to swim upstream, to resist peer pressure. But we must remember that children thrive best in an environment that is reliable, available, consistent and noninterfering. A loving parent is warm, willing to set limits and unwilling to breach a child’s psychological boundaries by invoking shame or guilt. Parents must acknowledge their own anxiety. Your job is to kn ow your child well enough to make a good call about whether he can manage a particular situation.Will you stay up worrying? Probably, but the child’s job is to grow, yours is to control your anxiety so it doesn’t get in the way of his reasonable moves toward autonomy. Parents also have to be clear about their own values. Children watch us closely. If you want your children to be able to stand up for their values, you have to do the same. If you believe that a summer spent reading, taking creek walks and playing is better than a specialized camp, then stick to your guns.Parents also have to make sure their own lives are fulfilling. There is no parent more vulnerable to the excesses of overparenting than an unhappy parent. One of the most important things we do for our children is to present them with a version of adult life that is appealing and worth striving for. Madeline Levine is a clinician, consultant and the author, most recently, of â€Å"Teach Your Children We ll: Parenting for Authentic Success. †

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Biographical sketch of William.C. Morse

William C. Morse has worked all his life in promoting the teachings and ideals of Fritz Redl. Morse’s mentor was his Fritz Redl whose work has been all about children and their mental problems. Morse has done his best to make sure that people remember Redl’s work and its relevance in modern life. Areas of research that both Redl and Morse concentrated on were difficulties in the upbringing of distraught youth and in special education. According to McIntyre (2004), â€Å"Dr. Morse met Redl while serving as director of â€Å"The Fresh Air Camp† where Redl's youth from the â€Å"Pioneer House† residential facility went to summer camp.Dr. Morse later extended Redl's treatment strategies into the schools, and co-authored a classic textbook titled Conflict in the Classroom with his student Nicholas Long. † McIntyre (2004) goes on to say that between 1940 and 1960, Redl and his student Wineman believed that children were good and wanted to help them in ove rcoming their negativities that would later go on to damage the emotioneal development. Redl and Wineman came up with â€Å"caring, realistic, and sophisticated interventions† during their interaction with troubled youth.Troubled youth are those who are reject â€Å"verbally and physically† at people who want to help them. This area became of interest to Redl and Wineman, from which they learnt about life, â€Å"self understanding† and â€Å"self-regulation of one's behavior. † They together write books such as â€Å"Children Who Hate† in 1951 and â€Å"Controls from Within† in1952. Both of these books were then combined into a single book titled â€Å"The Aggressive Child†. Both believed that children should have â€Å"therapeutic environments staffed with skilled and supportive personnel.† Now things have adopted to their views although in those times it was debatable. Supporting Redl’s work Morse emphasizes the need f or having a healthy environment for the development of disturbed children. William Morse’s opinion about Redl’s writing has always been praiseworthy this can be seen from the following quote (Morse, 1991), â€Å"The fact is, many young professionals are struggling with difficult children without the advantage of Redl’s insights. Those who were long ago introduced to his wisdom will find rereading rewarding for there are always ideas that provide cues for tomorrow’s engagements.So let us again become aware of how much we can benefit from his teaching. † Morse stresses on the fact that it is high time that teachers, students and all people who interact with disturbed children to actively follow the guidelines laid by Redl, because Redl in all his books has displayed a sense of vision and the power of description to one and all. According to Morse, Redl was a democrat, was fairly humorous, loved parties, loved learning and was a conscientious worker. Added to it, Redl was very creative in speech and in action, he thought logically which later, became amodel for anyone who dealt with children and their mental health. Commenting on the one of the therapies for troubled children that included summer camps (Smith, 2007) made Morse and Redl proposed that the camping environment was not â€Å"natural† according to many children. There were many adults that would not like the idea of spending time in a camp themselves but â€Å"rashly suggest camp as the automatic remedy for the physical and mental health problems of children. The woods are categorically supposed to be wholesome and full of the enzymes of adjustment† (Morse, 1947).According to Morse (1960), every teacher is concerned with learning in the classroom. The traditional three aspects teacher, student and the syllabus are now expanding horizons. The previously simple classroom process has been changed to a complicated process with more depth. The teachers now ar e for more capable of understanding individual students, although the task of teaching has not become simple but even more intense. This has left teachers stressful in handling situations in and out of class. Students also are changing they have become rebellious and resistant to teaching practices.This adds up to the stress of the teacher. There have been many people who have found the teachings of Redl very useful towards child psychology. Redl had done his best in putting forward ideas and views of children in classroom behavior and behavior of children in general. We need to learn from Redl and Morse’s teaching, this will help us in understanding and managing children much more appropriately. In Morse. W. C (2001), Morse felt that that was not the best time for growing up children. There was gradual decrease in resources and increase of disturbed children.Redl had made a presidential address in 1962 at the American Orthopsychiatric Association was titled â€Å"Crisis in the Children’s field†. The presentation given then holds completely true with the kind of situation that has arisen, just like Redl had envisioned. The problems have always been there, but it was hidden but now the issue has increased in proportions. It is always easy to make healthy children all they need is some care and attention. Once they are influenced by the negative forces then there might be no turning back.If the individual is identified at the right stage then it is good, but the longer it takes to help an individual the more impossible the task at hand becomes. Teachers, institutions and organizations should all take care to follow and adapt approaches to child development similar to what Fritz Redl and William C. Morse have written and discussed. Their work has foreseen events and actions giving the solutions along with it. We need to research analyze and work to enhance their measures, so that all their research is not in vain.Their work is very beneficial to today’s scenario and it is time we work up to accept the challenge that is ahead of us of making capable and positive children. By following in the footsteps of William C. Morse we can look forward to generations of healthy children both mentally and physically, thereby, keeping our world in better hands for generations to come by better methodologies, in the field of special education, classrooms and at campsites. References Morse, W. C. (1991). The Clinical Innovations of Fritz Redl: Crisis Intervention in Residential Treatment New York: The Haworth Press, pp.3-4. http://www. cyc-net. org/quote/quote-171. html Smith, M. B. (2007), ‘The Ego Idea of the Good Camper' and the Nature of Summer Camp,. Environmental History 11. 1 (2006): 67 pars. 1 Dec. 2007 . Morse, W. C (1947), â€Å"From the University of Michigan Fresh Air Camp: Some Problems of Therapeutic Camping,† The Nervous Child (April 1947): 211–12 Morse, W. C (1960), Diagnosing and Guiding Relat ionships between Group and Individual Class Members. CHAPTER XI The Dynamics of Instructional Groups. Book by Gale E. Jensen, Jack R.Gibb, Max R. Goodson, Willard C. Olson, Nelson B. Henry; University of Chicago Press. Grotjahn, M. (1944). Group Emotion and Leadership: Fritz Redl. Psychiatry, V, 1942, pp. 573–596. Psychoanal Q. , 13:52. McIntyre. T (2004), at www. behavioradvisor. com http://maxweber. hunter. cuny. edu/pub/eres/EDSPC715_MCINTYRE/PsychoEdBio. html Morse. W. C (2001). Crisis Intervention in Residential Treatment: The Clinical Innovations of Fritz Redl (Hardcover). http://books. google. com/books? id=ot7hEpswsqUC&pg=PA1&lpg=PA1&dq=william+c+morse+and+children&source=web&ots=nyFtVxyC-F&sig=NeQ3N203tTl4ZFFDGD1vnJxlU8E

Monday, July 29, 2019

World view chart writing assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

World view chart writing - Assignment Example There are many categories within a religion that reflect its peculiar position on various aspects of the world. This paper will analyze Islam and its views on salvation in particular, drawing connections to other religions and the contemporary social environment. Speaking of a rationale for choosing this category, one might note that the concept of salvation should be named among the central ones in every religion. Indeed, even those that reject this concept make this rejection a significant statement. In addition to that, many religions put emphasis on the afterlife of a person and salvation is largely see as an effective way to ensure that a person will not suffer after death. Furthermore, it would not be a mistake to suggest that the idea of salvation is able to reflect the deep beliefs of a particular spiritual system showing which areas are highlighted by it and regarded as the most important ones for the well being of one’s soul. According to the teaching of Islam, the way to save one’s soul is the submission to God (Royster, 2014, p. 242). This concept is central to the entire religion and is enshrined in many practiced that are carried out on a daily basis. Another point that should be mentioned is that the two rivaling branches agree that submission is the only effective way that will bring a person closer to God (Seligman, 1989, p. 118). Some mind suggest that submission is achieved very easily and there is not difficult in it; what these people tend to forget is that the idea in question is much deeper than it seems. In other words, for Islam different aspects of salvation are grounded on the concept of submission (White, 2013, p. 56). I might turn to a careful examination of the significant of the above mentioned category across the religions that were studied in the course. Thus, it is obvious that the call for submission is somewhat similar to the Christian call for accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Though it may be

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Personal and Professional Expertise Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Personal and Professional Expertise - Assignment Example The industry encompasses myriad fields of book learning including events organization, the study of foreign languages along with travel and tourism. As a consequence, I am confident that the field well suits my personalities. I previously worked with the Hakkasan restaurant for about two years as a bartender. This accordingly offered me sufficient experience and confidence to face the panel of interrogators for the duration of the presentation. I chose to dress elegantly in line with the international code of ethics. I wore a sophisticated blue shirt, stylish pressed trousers, and well-designed heel boots. Considering the significance of hygiene, I also kept my hair kept and appeared entirely organized. As usual, I knew the interrogation would be in English. However, I did not have sufficient time to rehearse and sharpen my language expertise. I first drafted the cover letter for a job application and satan essay test which I managed to finish on time before presenting before the panel of interrogators. I completely soothed down my nervous tension and definitely felt at ease. I also felt comforted by the fact that the assessors made very little eye contact with me. Instead, they focused on their files and scribbled on them while asking the questions (Johns 2008, p.34). I assertively answered the questions hoping to do pretty well in the presentation. Regrettably, I did not perform absolutely well in my speech. The panel was however pleased by my writing and utterly appreciated my participation. I was subsequently directed to try and develop my English language proficiency along with my confidence. I certainly learned the significance of apt communication skills in employment and hop e to improve on it.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Wage Earnings in Australia, Canada and the United States Research Paper

Wage Earnings in Australia, Canada and the United States - Research Paper Example The game of the numbers is to be adjusted in such a way that there must not be any ambiguity in the statistical manipulation and representation. The main objectives of the particular vary study to get insights in employment records as well as the comparison in the earning rates of USA, Canada and Australia. It was the topical history of America and the broadening of the monetary gap between those at the uppermost and bottommost level of the pay rate. In one of the study, Jack Rasmus (2004) writes that what is the instance of the phenomenon that anybody of us loves to make 200,000 USD per year after completion of 25 successful years on the job. There is a lot of difference in the value of money that is being generated by the workers on the job compared to last 25 years. They are making a very different value right now. If you would like to have the same value and same benefits, then it would be far impossible like you have to get the same advantages as the CEOs get at their jobs. This is the difference of time and value maximization. Things were thought to be regularized rather than alike today those are being worse with the passage of time. It is not only for the American lower wage earning employees who have to get enough economic substances to fulfill the routine matters; it is needed to generate monetary opportunists to find financial aid for the poorer people. Without holding to the economic environment, the lifestyle they deserve for is in the agenda of policy makers along with reviewing statistical monetary indexing and calculation of wages. If review of historical data may be made, we may get a clearer insight about the earning differences, the CEOs in United States got twenty four times more than an ordinary worker in 1965. This was not an end, the proportion raised to thirty five times in 1978, then it went up to a huge figure of seventy one times in 1989. After the debt crisis in USA in 2000, the recovery brought a greatest differential figure, that s howed that CEOs were earning three hundred times more than ordinary workers even who were working at their firms- A noticeable historical moment. After some time, the time turned in to a little change with top management remuneration rate with the economic bubble (worldwide) in 2008. History observed a decline in pay rate of CEOs or top managers at a slighter pace. But it did not mean to be a substantial increase in the pay outs of general workers. The hourly wage rate was suggested to be increased to increase the motivation level of the employees. It could cause in an extravagant state that vivid the opportunity for monetary and financial reforms within the organization. The economic bubble caused an extra ordinary unemployment and the wage rates were not said to be increased in near future. The remuneration declining rate for CEOs was six per cent approximately. The exact figure turned to 10.4 million USD from 11.07 million USD. Here we define the workers, the average work force i nclude all the employees who work in an organization below top management (middle management, first line management and non-managerial employees i.e., clerical workers). The wage earning discrepancy between CEO and the general working employees was observed more in last decade. However the gender discrepancy was insignificant to be observed because females are emerging as top management seats in prestigious organizations. In Canada, the situation was considerably worse; the wage

Unclear Energy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Unclear Energy - Assignment Example The geographical location of Jordan makes it hard to use water as a coolant and therefore need to find other means of cooling the reactors. The other difference is the availability of the relevant personnel to run the nuclear plants. Sophisticated and technical knowledge is required to manage a nuclear plant ensuring safety and efficiency. The use of nuclear energy in America started back in the 1940s, and therefore enough plans are set up to ensure enough individuals are trained for this job. Jordan is facing a challenge of personnel to operate the machines and maintain the nuclear power plants as it is something that has never been used before in this country. Environmental impact of the nuclear plants is the other difference. Nuclear energy production releases minimal amounts of greenhouse gases to the environment. However, the waste products from nuclear reactors contain radioactive elements that are harmful to human. Proper engineering techniques should be used and far away from human settlement. America has land that can be used for this while Jordan has limited land capacity and hence disposal of these wastes would be a problem. Also, Jordan still uses fuels and oil as a source of energy that highly contributes to the emission of greenhouse gases (Armaroli, 2013). Students contribution is highly required for the establishment of solutions on challenges faced in the energy sector. The first research on other cooling techniques to be used in nuclear plants located in areas where there is scarcity of water. The other is acquiring knowledge regarding operation and maintenance of nuclear power plants s it is a challenge faced in Jordan and other countries. The third is research and advice of disposal techniques of the radioactive wastes so as not to endanger human beings. The use of nuclear energy in America started a long time ago and therefore there is a big difference between the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Artifact 12.2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Artifact 12.2 - Essay Example Initially started by the Romans, ornate columns are greatly reflected in the contemporary American society. Apart from being used as support for buildings, ornate columns are currently used for construction of elegant designs on American buildings. Similar to modern styles reflected in contemporary architecture, Romans had a variety of styles; ionic, Doric, and Corinthian (Andrea 2007). Even though Doric columns were initially made of wood, their design has evolved and recent ones are made of stone. In the modern American society, columns are used for their simple design and excellent support in a building. Jewish life-styles, patterns of social interactions, and identities are apparently reflected in the modern American society. This is reflected in the emergence and development of American Reform Judaism that was modeled along Jewish traditions whose institutional functioning and philosophy females considerably occupied a greater position. The entrepreneurial culture reflected on the modern American society is a function of the traditional Jewish culture. Jewish culture has considerably influenced the manner in which modern Americans view the concept of a woman. This has increased the acceptance of the concept of womanhood in public representations. This is reflected in the election and nomination of women to senior government

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Innovation and Technology Management - Long Tail Essay

Innovation and Technology Management - Long Tail - Essay Example rd to the explosion of online commerce and distribution is that this new distribution medium is changing the way products and services are consumed, away from the traditional model of mass consumption that is premised on scarcity of distribution resources and the need for hits to keep the markets for all kinds of goods and services viable and humming via a reliance on hits. In the new distribution paradigm, there is no additional cost to keeping non-hit products in the inventory, especially with regard to electronic goods such as music and books, and that pioneering companies in the new distribution channels, such as Amazon and Netflix, as well as Apple for music, are finding out that non-hit music, books and movies kept in stock and easily procured by specific niche consumers have come to constitute a steady stream of on-going business, This is to the extent that in some cases, the cumulative sales of these so-called long-tail products and services have come to account for a large p ortion of the total sales of these firms, dwarfing or becoming comparable to the sales of the hits products and services that used to account for all the sales. This is a new business reality that is the result of the online commerce revolution itself, and promises to be a very profitable new reality for those who know how to capitalize on the knowledge and implications of the long tail (Anderson 2004). The literature has come to unearth a large number of phenomena in the business world relating to the long tail, even as the term itself has come to be associated with the returns that can be had from keeping goods in stock for those items that are not in large demand but whose costs of distribution, marketing, warehousing, storage and merchandising are low enough that those costs are offset by marginal sales. Statistically too, the implication of the long tail concept is that there is money to be made within that area of the probability distribution for a population lying at the tails

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Project 9 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Project 9 - Essay Example Examples of parametric tests are t tests and z tests which are used on both paired and independent quantitative data. Nonparametric tests do not assume any particular distribution for the data; however, they look at the category or rank order of the values and ignores the absolute difference between them (Driscoll and Lecky 2001.). In addition to the application of these tests to quantitative data that are not normally distributed, nonparametric tests are also applied to nominal and ordinal data. According to Driscoll and Lecky (2001), examples of nonparametric tests include Chi Square, Fisher exact test which are used for nominal data; and Wilcoxon, Mann-Whitney and Kolmogorov-Smirnov which are used for ordinal data. Chi-Square (χ2) test is a very popular nonparametric test which is used on unpaired nominal data. This paper shows how the χ2 test is applied to data relating to gender and office locations of 60 sworn officers. The test is used to determine if there is a difference in the gender distribution among the three locations. According to Salkind (2009), the Chi Square test is a very interesting test which allows the researcher to determine if what is observed in a distribution of frequencies represents what is expected to occur by chance. The data relating to gender and office locations have been grouped in order to perform a Chi Square test. The test has more than one independent variable and so is described as a test of independence. The table below shows the arrangement of the data. The table above shows that there are a total of 35 males and 25 females distributed across three locations. The test seeks to determine whether there are any differences in relation to the gender distribution across the three locations. Therefore, the null hypothesis (Ho) and research hypothesis would be stated as: According to Salkind (2009), the next step is to determine the level of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Questions to Answer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Questions to Answer - Essay Example These laws are what are regarded to as common law. When there is incongruity between two parties in relation to the law, then a common law court is obligated to listen to the case and refer to analogous or similar cases that have occurred in the past and incorporate their resolutions in decision making (Pozgar, 2011). In other words, if a judgment had been issued in a similar case in the past, then the judge or arbitrator in this case is required to follow the same logical thinking as the previous case. If there has never been a similar case, then it is the obligation of the judge or arbitrator to form or create a standard model as an example that would be referred to by other judges and arbitrators in future. Pozgar (2011) further notes that having a case to refer to and use it in decision making introduces the concept of impartiality in judgments as issues not covered by other laws in a jurisdiction are awarded similar rulings or verdicts. These common laws are however not permanent as they can be changed depending on the current needs of the society (Pozgar, 2011). According to Pozgar (2011), foreseeability is "The reasonable anticipation that harm or injury is likely to result from a commission or omission of an act" (p. 41). An individual can prevent the occurrence of a damaging incident or event if he or she predicts that the incident will occur on the basis of available information or facts. Having a clear understanding of the facts can help an individual in making decisions that would avert or prevent the occurrence of any harmful incident. In a court of law, a defendant is investigated or questioned with an intention of finding out whether he or she could have prevented injury or harm to a petitioner through analyzing data and information at hand. As an example, take the case of a patient lying to a healthcare practitioner when he seeks a clarification of the patients medical history. If

Monday, July 22, 2019

Gender and Video Games Essay Example for Free

Gender and Video Games Essay The current development in the literature concerning videogames and gender constitutes the formulation of perceptions of how not only game developers but also players establish their individual and collective identity in this process. Their relationship then corresponds to creating specific norms and principles that seek to identify specific ideas concerning their representation of reality and also their ability to capitalize on existing genres for cultivating game play and the issues related to acceptance of existing norms. Due to this, to better understand the relationship circumventing around video games and gender, fair amount of analysis must be made not only in its ability to represent the gaming public but also in the impact it creates towards taking the issue into a bigger picture as it relates to the construction of social norms and roles. Assessing Video Games and Gender Indeed looking at previous literature studies, it can be seen that misrepresentation remains apparent especially among the representation of gender in video games. Here, common patterns of male masculine figures and characters continue to dominate different platforms and games. Such idea remains to be seen particularly, during the earlier times wherein there is a corresponding depiction of players that are relatively male and ultimately dominate both the primary and secondary characters. Here, Williams, Martins, Consalvo and Ivory (2009) study highlights these apparent trends by arguing that â€Å"the most popular games are less representative than the typical game produced by developers, indicating that players also play a role in the cycle of creation and consumption† (p. 828). Similarly, such actions then establish the formation of implications relating towards both businesses and gamers alike. Given the constant marketing and exploration of new strategies to expand the level of gamers within a specific platform, there are indeed restrictions that this gender bias and formulation of games create. It necessitates not only hindering the potential appeal of these games towards consumers but also induce common means for limited appreciation and also shortage in sales. These dynamics in turn necessitate a constricted response to the ever growing number of patrons of video games as it encompasses the majority of participants and involve other actors who also place emphasis in their capacity for media to exhibit their common associations and relationship within the platform (Williams, Martins, Consalvo, Ivory, 2009). Opening up Patterns for Diversity and Change Assessing the validity of how video games embrace diversity, careful analysis needs to be made in the manner that video games seek to portray and outline the views concerning the gaming culture. Since social symbols often connote this process to be a male/masculine endeavor, earlier platforms somehow inhibit female participation in such activity and more often than not associated with male roles and tendencies (Williams, Martin, Consalvo and Ivory, 2009). However, this started to change as new designs and models have been introduced to cater to the changing perceptions of gender roles related to video games and adherence to the objectives to transcend over common representations that platform has over male and female responsiveness. Recognizing the current needs for embedding gender equality within the video game platforms, many game developers now seek to apply these strategies in the formulation of new titles that seek to connote better ability for people to utilize their perception of themselves within a particular game. This brought about significant changes as designers brought into consideration diversity and equal representation of male and female roles in the process. This dynamics then consolidated better means for outlining not only significant areas related to the overall game play but also in the appeal it gives towards different individuals regardless of their racial and gender associations (Brandtzaeg and Heim, 2009). Seeing this, the study by Jansz and Vosmeer indeed offer a good analysis of how the game ‘Sims 2’ address these changing trends and outline the evolution of gaming from a masculine and male dominated genre to a more lax and diverse area that induces common connections between masculinity and femininity. By using this game as an example, the study was able to highlight significant changes in these perceptions and was able to ascertain common ideals shaping and furthering opportunities accounting to how diversity serves as an instrument in merging the idea of gender and video games together. To complement this process, it takes into account creating video games that are not only responsive to the needs of gamers but also reach out towards their ability to utilize connections over the roles specific characters play. Here, Jansz and Vosmeer (2010) argues, â€Å"developing gender and games theory requires more detailed insight into the mutual shaping of game content, game play, and gender identities† (p. 247). By collaborating on these three aspects accordingly, the ability of growth of video games have indeed showcased a reality that is more conducive and responsive to the needs of individuals by offering a variety of platforms wherein interaction and associations remain possible. Videogames, Violence, and Gender Roles Another precept shaping the understanding concerning the idea of videogames and gender is the corresponding perceptions and roles it provides participants. Since this element is one part of media, it is through this that representations about culture and gender roles are provided among individuals regardless of age, race, or cultural affiliations. These dynamics in turn necessitate both positive and negative responses in terms of the establishment of identity and formulation of specific patterns of behavior innate within the characterization of primary and secondary characters in a particular game. In essence, there continues to be a relationship in the way individuals ascertain their preferences in games with their innate social behavior and ability to denote a particular response to each theme of a video game played (Brandtzaeg and Heim, 2009). Seeing these diverse variations concerning the ability to extract experiences and ideas from video games, it then presents the formation of specific behavior and inputs depending on the themes provided. Such actions then result in current diversity of games available in the market today. As Brandtzaeg and Heim (2009) argue, â€Å"the new electronic gaming landscape is complex, and consists of a vast array of choices in different game content genres tailored towards a range of user profiles in regards to highly different interests and content preferences† (p. 71). These in turn result in the formulation of specific behavior that equally shapes an individual’s personality and the manner that each one seeks to equate this in the formulation of their identity and role within social institutions. Associated with the formulation of gender roles, there are also instances of video games promoting violence as themes in its platforms. Such dynamics then necessitate impact on individual behavior as they try to ascertain specific tendencies towards the acceptance of violence to be a social norm and apparent in different scenarios and environment. Though research and literature may argue differently concerning this stance, it also goes to show the impact that video games can provide towards the inducement of violent and aggressive tendencies among gamers. Here, it is what Kim refers to as desensitization of violence within video games genre and points out its impact not only in the formulation of gender roles but also the acceptance of its role within the development of a player’s identity (Kim, n. d. ). Under this process, there continues to be new developments happening in video game technology that aides the desensitization of violence among consoles. These in turn contributes to further exposure and creates a real-life scenarios wherein players experience an almost-real setup where violence as a theme is depicted. Here, Kim (n. d. ) argues that â€Å"as video games become more sophisticated, there is a wide range of input devices at various levels of realism – from pushing keys on a keyboard to a turning wheel to drive or actually shooting a gun† (p. 5). Such realities then brings about the question of how such games provide the means to explore means to correspond the manner to ascertain violence, videogames and gender. It does take into account the value of how these themes permeate within choices and ability to partake in the gaming experience of individuals. By establishing these relationships, it can help analyze the formulation of behavior as well as how it corresponds to the nature of furthering opportunities to extract behavioral responsiveness on the part of individuals who partake in such endeavor. (Jansz, and Vosmeer, 2010). To conclude, the idea of gender and video games have undergone an expansion of literature that takes into account its development from a more conservative and masculine-oriented dimension towards the creation of games that seeks to highlight and induce elements of diversity. By taking account of these areas, it was able to consolidate better means to reach out towards different gamers and allow better means for access among people. Though there may still be corresponding bias views concerning gender, it was able to construct a new playing field wherein new games are able to cater towards the dynamic needs among gamers. Alongside this development, there is also the corresponding perspective of shaping new means to carry out effective means to extract gender roles among players. These elements manifest in the themes and perceptions utilized by individuals who participate in such endeavor. One element that can be seen in these areas is the corresponding violence that video game creates. Though there are contrasting views in the impact on human behavior, it plays a crucial role in establishing analysis in its association with the interplay of social norms and roles through the spectrum of perceptions and choices of video game genres. References Brandtzaeg, P. B. and Heim, J. (2009) Children’s Electronic Gaming Content Preferences and Psychosocial Factors: Is there a connection? Nordicom Review. 30 (2), pp. 69-86 Jansz, J. , Avis, C. and Vosmeer, M. (2010) Playing The Sims 2: An exploration of gender differences in players’ motivations and patterns of play. New media and Society. 12 (2), pp. 235-251 Kim, O. T. Effects of Violent Video Games on Desensitization: The Role of Gender, Previous Exposure, and Input Device. Williams, D. , Martins, N. , Consalvo, M. and Ivory, J. (2009) The virtual census: representations of gender, race, and age in video games. New media and society. 11 (5), pp. 815-834

Meccan people Essay Example for Free

Meccan people Essay Zoroaster’s miracles are often very similar to Jesus’s, although most of Zoroaster’s miracles focus on healing others, rather than displaying power. He often healed people of blindness, lameness, and other physical conditions suffered by those he encountered. One particular miracle proved to be very significant for Zoroaster’s role as a prophet. When called before a king of a neighboring country, Zoroaster was asked to cure the king’s horse, which had fallen lame. Zoroaster agreed to perform this miracle if the king agreed to convert to Zoroastrianism and provide his army to protect the faith. The king agreed to this provision, as long as Zoroaster was able to assure the king where he would reside spiritually after his demise. According to the Zoroastrianism followers, Zoroaster healed the horse and the king was immediately visited by a group of angels who showed him the true way of Zoroastrianism. The king converted and spent his life protect the faith of Zoroastrianism (Quinn 116-118). Unlike Jesus and Zoroaster, Muhammad never performed any miracles. He instructed his followers that such displays were counterproductive to understanding the true nature of God. He also suggested that the vast majority of miracles performed by numerous other prophets, other than Jesus, were artificial productions (Fatih 156). The three prophets are also said to have had similar instances were each was tempted by the Devil. Zoroaster met Ahriman, or the Devil, while having a vision where he traveled both to heaven and to hell. He was tempted many times to renounce his faith in Ahura Mazda, but Zoroaster resisted this temptation through his prayers to Ahura Mazda (Hambartsumian 34). Jesus was tempted three times by the Devil after having fasted in the desert for forty days. For the first temptation of Jesus, the Devil told him, â€Å"If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread† (NIV, Matt. 4:3). Jesus was also tempted to jump for the roof of the temple, and, finally, to worship the Devil. After each of these temptations, Jesus rebuked the Devil and reaffirmed his commitment to God (Anwar 155). The temptation of Jesus and Zoroaster are well established traditions within the literature of both religions. While there are literary records of Muhammad’s temptation, most Muslims refuse to acknowledge these reports as being true. According to these accounts, known as the Satanic Verses, Muhammad was â€Å"tempted to acknowledge another polytheistic religion in order to convert the Meccan people† (Najmi 12). The account given by the Satanic Verses states that Muhammad succumbed to this temptation and acknowledged the polytheistic deities. The angel Gabriel then appeared to Muhammad and chastised him for giving in to such temptation. Muhammad then recanted his statement and asked for forgiveness. Various reasons have been given to deny this account. Prominently, most Muslims agree these verses were added by unhappy Meccans to discredit the message of Muhammad (Anwar 156-157). Another substantial dissimilarity between these religious figures is their use of the word â€Å"prophet† went describing their own actions. Muhammad was the only figure to actively refer to himself as a prophet. He believed that he was a continuation of a long line of prophets that included Abraham, Moses, and Christ. Even though Muhammad elevated himself to the standing of prophet, he never considered himself divine in any way (Beki 209). Jesus, on the other hand, never considered himself a prophet, but promoted himself as being a combination of divinity and mortal and as being the one true son of God (Eve 44). Zoroaster refused to refer to himself as even a prophet. He claimed that he has a learned man who had been able to achieve some connection with God, and was used, by God, to relay His messages (Quinn 115). While each of these religious figures is held as prophets or deities in their own religion, their ultimate successes and failures seem entirely unrelated to their similar experiences in life. Muhammad successfully united his followers in order to conquer Mecca and convert its people. Jesus was thought to have been crucified by the Roman government, and then resurrected as a fulfillment of Judaic prophecy (Anwar 158). Zoroaster was murder in his old age by a disgruntle member of an opposing religion (Quinn 153). Ultimately, Christianity and Islam, the religions inspired by the lives of Jesus and Muhammad, succeeded in attracting vast masses of people to the teachings of their leaders. The two religions globally dominate as two of the world’s largest organized religion. Zoroaster, on the other hand, has gradually faded throughout history. The religion is currently only practiced by a few devout followers in Iran and Northern India. Although it has seen a slight resurgence in recent years, Zoroastrianism will probably never reach the level of popularity enjoyed by both Islam and Christianity (Choksy 430).. All three religions have many characteristics in common, but these similarities have not been enough to create a similar success for each of these religions. Works Cited: Anwar, Etin. â€Å"Prophetic Models in Islamic and Christian Spirituality. † Islam Christian- Muslim Relations 15. 1 (2004): 142-162. Beki, Niyazi. â€Å"The Concept of Revelation According to the Bible and the Quran. † Journal of Academic Studies 7. 26 (2005): 191-210. Choksy, Jamsheed K. â€Å"Hagiography and Monotheism is History: Doctrinal Encouncters Between Zoroastrianism, Judaism, and Christianity. † Islam Christian-Muslim Relations 14. 4 (2003): 407-432.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

History Essay about Apartheid

History Essay about Apartheid Following the stretched history of Europes imperialism, the 1948s National Party election ushered in a novel historical dispensation in the South African social, political as well as economic landscapes. The national party intensified and officialised the apparatus of racial segregation under both the British and the Dutch rule. As noted by Ayittey (1996), the coalition which constituted the national party in addition to other consequent South African governments standardized separatist directive which resulted in the effectual categorization of persons according to races. The organization was planned in a way such that the White minority marginalised the black majority to its management in a deceitful system well-known jointly as apartheid. The existence of the dispensation placed the white minority on a favourable platform than their black majority counterparts. The ruling white minority and who were at the top of the hierarchy in the South African society controlled the social-eco nomic affairs as well as the political arena. Ayietty (1996) took note of the fact that the white acquired all the positions that ensured that they sustained and fully enjoyed the proceeds of the countrys industrialization whilst the black majority lurched in scarcity and estrangement in the margins of a racist and devious regime. In addition, Esler (1996) discovered that while the white minority had full access to a high standard of life similar to that of developed countries, the black majority lingered in the sphere of mediocre education, poverty, in addition to pitiable living standards. This situation in all aspects of life led to the prevalence of low life expectancy among the blacks. South Africa had simply turned into a state that was governed by following the propositions of the whites-only referendum. Subsequently, South Africa split up from other former colonies including the Commonwealth group of British colonies. Apartheid was an ostracized political dogma which was out rightly destined in the whole world, Esler (1996) pointed out that apartheid was set up at a time when the human race had already gone through the impact of imperialism and racial discrimination culminating from the devious slavery system in America as well as the scramble for Africa. The instruments of apartheid led to isolation a nd the divestment South Africa from conventional global doings in political social as well as economic realms. The separatist and racist apartheid legislations ensured that the blacks remained at the margins of the major economic activity. On the other hand, the enacted coterie of pass legislations made it hard for the blacks majority to have access to the income generating opportunities as well as well-paid jobs in the white zones. A statement by Jean (1989) reveals that the apartheid regime made it nearly impossible and difficult for the blacks to be involved in any economic activity. For instance, most women who attempted venturing into commercial beer brewing were often raided by the police and labelled as deviants. (Op.cit) indication to the economic control imposed on women by the apartheid system was the actuality that the existence of women in towns was illegal in the authoritarian assertion of pass laws. In addition, Black men were also barred from making a living in the desirable White Zones A considerable percentage of blacks were employed in the farms owned by the whites where earnings were astonishingly low. Entrance to towns where one could have landed on a lucrative job or even better income earning prospects was closely safeguarded by the racially prejudiced regime through the implementation of stringent pass laws. The pass laws were accompanied by an endorsement in and endorsement out clause. The part was set for use by employers who in return use the clause while condemning or recommending pass holders. Subsequently, the stage administering the economic indulgence constrained the blacks to deprived rural areas identified then as Bantustans. Numerous of these reserves were supposed to be in premeditated poverty by way of prohibiting access to private possessions as part of the invasive feint customized to gag the economic opulence of black South Africans. The condition of the pass laws created for the black South Africans was part of a holistic ruse to influence the capitalist method on cheap labour. The establishment and enactment of Pass laws made it possible for the regime to incarcerate most of the black South Africans to stations where human labour was required the most like in the farms. The circumstances came with substantial law pass linked arrests in urban areas where criminals were ferried to white farms to be used as prison labourers. Verwoerd delineated that controls regarding emigration had to be stiffened to avert manpower from departing the white farming areas and instead turn into loafers in the city. (Hayward Jean 1989) One illuminate societal impact of apartheid in South Africa was its considerable effect on women. Women endured the dual brunt of gender segregation as well as racial discrimination. According to Lowis (1996), the oppression of black women was dissimilar from the type of repression directed at men. Women under apartheid had no rights (Lowis, 1996). The researcher underscores that in the profound hand of apartheid women were not allowed to access education, they had neither rights to own property nor any legal rights. Several black women had found their only financial consolation in mean jobs as either domestic workers or in the farms for meagre wages. The majority of the women had to undergo the depressing reality of horrible poverty which increased the death rate of children who heavily suffered from malnutrition. On the public facade, one main feature of the deceitful system of apartheid was the stratification and classification of people as per their respective races. Legislations such as the Population Registration Act of 1950 were enacted to assist in the categorization of all South African citizens with respect to their race. The major Classifications recognized consisted of the Whites, the Black as well as the coloured. From a different front the Reservation of Separate Amenities Act of 1953 was used to create split public facilities for use by both the blacks and the whites. This was the driving force of the apartheid philosophy which supported the racial differences as the source for nationalist economic social, as well as political policies. Sebastian (1992) highlights that the execution of the apartheid system supposed that South Africa was the first state in the world to legalize racism. In addition, Sebastian (1992) alluded to apartheid as a very repressive system that was intended to be a tool for overbearing the economic lives of all the black individuals as well as their respective physical locality. The writer notes anyone found without an approved job would be relocated off the urban or white zones. This resulted in a scenario where blacks working in urban areas lived as annual immigrants. The black were required to subsist in two different worlds where they may possibly just live with their families in remote rural area on one occasion in a long while and then travel into urban areas for over eleven months to fend for their relatives in the city, in the mines or in the mines. On the worldwide collective dais, the organization of apartheid in South Africa led to the seclusion of South Africa in worldwide sport in the mid 1950s. It should be highlighted that apartheid barred multiracial sport which had the implication that South Africa could not take part in international teams as these teams consisted of numerous races. Demands from associations such as the Non-Racial South African Sport Association put pressure on South Africa. The association made efforts and lobbied the International Committee to put weight on the South African government to influence and rectify its racial sports policies and institutions. The xenophobic antics of the apartheid were propagated and local as well as international pressure groups pushed for more efficient seclusion of South Africa. The apartheid ploy comprised of a coterie of incorporated financial and political procedures harmonized by societal strategies modified to incarcerate the black mainstream to environs of the South Africa culture. The pass regulations ended in a methodical demolition of the family component as well as the whole cultural and societal structure of the black preponderance. The popularity of felony in the slums is strongly linked with adverse state of affairs in which children are brought by principally struggling single parents, especially mothers, dwelling in the slums where the regulative father facet is constantly absent. Mermelstein David (1987) points out that a major aspect that served as a profound blow to the black community was the element of education. The blacks were supplied with a doctored Bantu learning syllabus which simply equipped the black to minister to the consumerist desires of their white masters. The definite form of education prospectus crafted in forged means to maintain blacks at the overhaul of their white masters meant that learning was not compulsory and as essential as was the case for white children. The issue policies in significant subjects for instance science, math and languages made the blacks linger in restricted profession prospects with inability to contend with their white counterparts. The education catastrophe was exasperated by University isolation which was executed in 1959 to capitulate devastating results for the blacks. Mermelstein David (1987) commented that the effects of schooling strategies are far severe than the situation tinted by South Africas school turnout and literacy facts. The researcher declares that the majority of the South Africans supposedly learned are in actuality functionally ignorant from a developed functionality perception whereas scores of those scheduled as attending school create negligible advancementÂÂ  over the years due to stumpy turnout and pass statistics. The doctored apartheid informative strategy not only dented the black societal framework but also damaged the apartheid financial system and fashioned restraining vicinities which were not in cycle with formation of a pulsating autonomous financial system. Mermelstein David (1987) explains that Apartheid teaching guidelines resulted in locating back human resource formation past a distinct generation which consequently fashioned the most essential of all financial limitations on the outlook and prediction of the advancement and growth of the state financial system and independentÂÂ  society in general. Albert Luthuli was the initial leader of black emancipation faction the African National Congress from the year 1925 to 1960. The black association idol was awarded a Nobel Peace reward for the responsibility that he cooperated in combating ethnic brutality in the 1960s. The resistance was fought from assorted angles attributing diverse conquerors at diverse intonations of the fig ht back which terminated in the voting of the ANC into authority in 1994 at the time Nelson Mandela turned out to be the earliest black president of South Africa. The Apartheid system restricted blacks in the echelon of tyranny by endorsing regulations to prohibit the dispute of blacks against the ills of the status quo. The nationwide labour decree for example was propagated to limit blacks and the citizens of colour from objecting the performance of the indigenous labour Act of 1953. In the principle of the Act Suckling, John et al (1988) remarks that the regimes administrators were given the authority to proclaim states of emergency and augment the forms of punishment that the administration were to impose. One such extraordinary state of emergency transpired at Sharpeville where almost 69 blacks died in a brutal spar amid the state military and the black protestors. The apartheid government had numerous grasps on the societal lives of the blacks. Suckling John et al (1988) comments that the rules which explicitly dealt with individual privileges necessitated that couples get country consent prior to living jointly. State establishments would either award or deny the rights of the black couples for feeble explanations frequently found on what the country usually deemed to be surplus blacks. Under the individual decrees families considered as excess were thrown out of the Bantustans and damned to live in places remote from the secured white regions. The societal lives of South Africans were as well exposed to the ruthless Immorality Act of 1950 which believed marriage involving diverse races as unlawful. Moreover, the modification of the Immorality Act in 1957 solicited that even the illustration of plans to create a relationship with somebody of an ethnicity different from yours was prohibited. Under apartheid decree blacks were suppressed from all political doings. The blacks independent rights were seized from them alongside all their civil rights which were forfeited under numerous regulations passed by the state administration. Any political configurations particularly those fashioned with the objective of communicating resistance politics was forbidden through the ratification and execution of the Suppression of Communism Act of 1950. This act offered the basis for onslaught on any sort of political movement despite of whether it was socialist or not. The detached Representation of Voters Act seized the suffrage from the control of the blacks and banned them from partaking in general voting. Sunter Clem (1987) comments that the decrees approved to control political doings were authoritative to a degree that any black who wanted to defy them risked custody demise. Sunter Clem (1987) declares that by 1963 the defence police force had exterminated more than 100 blacks in political altercations. Dozens of thousands were confined to prison many without any trial nor legal representation (Op.cit) The author also remarks that due to the tyrannical and impulsive political indulgence countless blacks died in political remonstrations and conflicts as police force and the armed forces gunned down black campaigners. By expansion The South African Statute Laws gave assertion to the South African argument to imprison any citizen to remote sections or states. The imprisonment sentence involved issues like blacks were forbidden by the country to travel, inscribe, or converse in public. Even more appalling for the blacks those confined had no supremacy to petition against the imposed endorsements. The United Nations classify South Africa as a middle revenue country with a redoubtable contribution of wealth. United Nations furthermore identify SA as a state with well industrialized economic, lawful, communication and transportation segments amid other props of one of Africas financial and political powerhouses. The South African stock trade, the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) is categorized along with the pinnacle twenty in the globe. Ayittey George (2006) clarifies that the generally glowing financial infrastructure from the apartheid government of the post-apartheid black government is innate. The author comments that the financial system leverages a great deal on contemporary infrastructure which chains a proficient allocation of commodities to main hubs right through the Southern African expanse. In 2007, South Africa was categorized as 25th globally in the assessment of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of that year. South Africa is racially varied as apparent through the language strategy which holds 11 official languages. The varied music, dance as well as food from a superfluity of cultures has led to South Africa being one if the major tourist destinations. Society is nevertheless determined by the depressing crime levels which stay on as an evocative indentation to the Southern African powerhouse laden with abundant potentials. Despite having gone through apartheid, South Africa has remained to be an economic thrust in the region and in the whole continent. The present international economic predicament however pressurizes to halt the development that the country has realized in the precedent years. From Dodsons point of view, South Africa belongs to all who live in it, black and white, and that no government can justly claim authority unless it is based on the will of the people. This thought of equal opportunity as well as fairness was the underpinning in South Africa. Regrettably, with the arrival of the Dutch, South Africa turned into a system known as apartheid. Apartheid was a structure that ensured racial isolation, in addition to providing the whites with the power to rule above all the other races. Despite the fact that the blacks had made trials to stop the whites from gaining power. There came the effects that enclosed every facet of their life together with work, education and property. Despite all the protesting by the blacks, their attempted way out did not reasonably work. Ultimately apartheid ended in the spring of 1994. Apartheid is truly a social injustice since it brought suffering to non-white people as well as depriving them of their God given rights and privileges.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Problems Associated With Low-carbohydrate/High-protein Diets Essay

Problems Associated With Low-carbohydrate/High-protein Diets A diet that is low in carbohydrates and high in proteins is not a healthy weight loss method. This type of diet, such as the Atkins Diet, recommends eating foods that are high in fat and protein. However, there are no restrictions on the kinds of fat and protein that may be consumed; and there are no restrictions on caloric intake. This poses a problem because there are health risks associated with high amounts of fat and protein in the diet. There are also health risks associated with carbohydrate deficiency. Our bodies need carbohydrates in order for our brains and central nervous systems to function properly. Carbohydrate deficiency also leads to losses of functional protein tissue in the muscles. Thus, low-carbohydrate/ high-protein diets are not a healthy approach to weight loss. Low-carbohydrate/ high protein diets, such as the Atkins Diet, encourage dieters to consume foods that are proven to cause health problems, especially heart disease. These diets replace carbohydrates with high-fat and high-protein foods such as meats, eggs, cheese, and butter. The problem with this recommendation is that there are no restrictions on the amount or the type of fat contained in these foods; and this flaw in the diet can lead to a higher risk of heart disease. Low-carbohydrate/ high-protein diets neglect some important risk factors for heart disease. One of these factors is total dietary fat intake. The Atkins Diet, for example, does not restrict the amount of calories that comes from fats. Another risk factor is the type of fat, saturated or unsaturated. Saturated fats such as butter, lard, margarine, meats, and dairy products should only constitu... ...ts that our bodies need in order to function properly. Our brains need the fuel that carbohydrates provide for us; and the energy that comes from protein is not a sufficient source to replenish the rest of our bodies. Thus, including more protein-rich foods as part of our diet does not compensate for this loss of energy. Eating excessive amounts of protein affects our health in a negative way. The saturated fat and cholesterol in these foods that are recommended by low-carbohydrate/ high-protein diets actually promote an increased risk of heart disease. A weight loss plan that leads to such adverse effects on the body is definitely not a dieter’s healthiest option. Before adhering to a diet plan, one must weigh the pros and cons of its effects. It is easy to see that in the case of low-carbohydrate/ high-protein diets, the negatives outweigh the positive.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Analysis of Ma Jodes Character in The Grapes Of Wrath :: essays research papers

For this essay on John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath, I have chosen to do a character analysis. The character that I chose is Ma Jode. I have chosen Ma Jode, because I think she is one or the most important characters in the book. Ma Jode is the most important character because she is very strong-minded. Ma and the family know that she is the backbone of the family and she is very strong-minded, so if she shows any concern or weakness, the family may fall apart. If there is anything on Ma’s mind she must not show any sign of it around the family. Ma might be just as frightened with doubts and fear as the rest of the family, but she always maintains a strong figure or leader. In order for things to go Ma’s way, she must push for them. There are many situations were Ma has to push and put order back and continue strong leader as she is displayed as. An example of were Ma must stay strong is when the family agrees to let Tom and Casey stay behind, to fix the Wilson’s car, without her approval, and she thinks that that will break up the family. After that incident, she pretty much replaces Pa’s place as the head of the family. Another big situation is when she is threatening a police man with a pan, and she tells the family there leaving the government camp. Pa’s gets pissed because his power became lessened due to Ma’s leadership, Pa says â€Å"Seems like the times are changing.† Ma’s loves her family so much that she often sacrifices he own well being to help out the family in any way that she can possible do it. An example of her doing so, is when Grandma is dying. The family stops at the boarder of California and she fears that if the guard know the grandma is dead, they wont let them in, so she lies to the guard and tell them that grandma is very sick and she needs to see a doctor. Ma sits next to grandma for the rest of the night. That is a big sacrifice for the family, because she had to lay next to a dead person all night just to get her family through to California. During the hole journey for the Jode family Ma is the strongest, and upheld character of the book.

American Public Education - Obsessed with Being Average Essay -- Teach

American Public Education - Obsessed with Being Average A country's educational system is typically influenced by a variety of factors. Racial and ethnic attitudes, for example, can play an important role in policy formation and school administration. Language is a significant factor as well. Political and religious ideologies also are potent influences on the educational system. An average student’s registration into the educational system may be affected by such factors. What is the definition of an average student? What constitutes such a student to receive an â€Å"average† education? Mike Rose’s article â€Å"Tracking†, focused on the educational system and its effects on both normal and abnormal students. One student affected by this system was Ken Harvey. He was placed in the vocational track due to the labeling of the educational system. Ken Harvey’s statement, â€Å"I just wanna be average†, was a desperate call for help. No doubt, his placement in the educational system had a negative effect on his life. â€Å"Ken Harvey was gasping for air†. As brought out in the article, â€Å"schoo...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

How Far Do You Agree That “the Play of King Lear Presents Us

How far do you agree that â€Å"The play of King Lear presents us with a bleak and cruel world and offers us no comfort at the end Much of Shakespeare’s King Lear follows themes such as betrayal on the part of the antagonists and the protagonist’s blindness of the events which have befallen them. For example in a rage with Kent Lear exclaims ‘Out of my sight! ’ with Kent’s retort simply being ‘See better Lear’ this motif of a characters blindness continues throughout the play.Some of the characters can be seen to be prolifically cruel throughout the play and while many of the these characters die by the end of the play their actions still have ramifications. Gonerill and Regan for example strip their father of his self awareness and leave him to scrabble for his sanity on an unwelcoming and bleak heath. Lear is not exempt from blame for his circumstances but the disastrous and tragic consequences seem to out balance the flaws in his fra gile mind.This is a tragedy however so Lear’s downfall as the result his hamartia was expected for the katharsis of the Jacobean audiences to be achieved. The play has a sinister atmosphere but Shakespeare may have tried to include moments of comfort either for the tension of the drama or to give the audience a sense of hope. In Act 1 of King Lear Shakespeare seems to foreshadow the key themes of the play which often have sorrowful consequences for many of the characters.For example when Lear decides that he will test his daughter’s flattery in exchange for their share of the kingdom, ‘Which of you shall we say doth love us most, that we our largest bounty may extend’ the contest seems to be an empty gesture as Gloucester and Kent had already discussed that both dukes could already expect an equal share of England ‘for qualities are so weighed that curiosity in neither can make choice of either’s moiety’.The kings’ empty words ar e soon mirrored by his children’s as Gonerill remarks that ‘Sir, i love you more that word can wield the matter’ and ‘A love that makes breath poor, and speech unable’ her hyperbole contradicts her when she goes on to explain further. Regan too expresses her true feelings poorly by simply agreeing with her sister ‘I am made of that self-mettle as my sister’ this sounds as if it were just a shallow echo of Gonerill without out conviction of love Lear expected.However Lear does not recognise this as the audience might and so when Cordelia decides that she must ‘Love, and be silent’ and says ‘nothing my lord’ Lear indicates his own future ‘Nothing will come of nothing’ Because of Gonerill’s lack of seniority her expressions of love are devalued and mean nothing so that when Cordelia characterises her feelings towards Lear as loving him ‘According to my bond, no more nor less’ she re establishes the verbal integrity. To a Jacobean audience the theme of nothing may be more prevalent just from Lear’s initial speech ‘Know, that we have divided in three our kingdom†¦ To a christian audience this may have emulated Matthew 12. 25 ‘Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation’. Yet even when in the most dire circumstances compassion is shown by various characters. After he is thrown into a storm and in his words Lear’s ‘†¦ wits begin to turn’ he still shows pity for the fool when he asks ‘Come on, my boy: how dost, my boy? art cold? ’ This is either one of few examples of Lear’s selflessness or his attempt to cling to his only symbol of reality. The injustice of many of the characters are obvious throughout the play.But there are some signs of pity and compassion and of loyalty too. This is usually due to a possible feelings of obligation to family or superiority which contrast ingly in other examples become treachery. For example Gloucester’s ultimate punishment for his trust in Edmond is that Cornwall puts out the Earl’s eyes. A servant protests at the brutality of Gloucester’s treatment ‘†¦ But better service have I never done you’ Along with Cordelia and Kent the servant pays the ultimate price for this and is killed.The King’s fool is mourned at the end of the play by Lear because of his selfless attitude towards helping Lear’s understanding ‘So out went the candle, and we were left darkling’. When Gonerill begins to undermine Lear’s sanity the fools says this to relay it to Lear. The loyalty of both the Fool and Kent to Lear can be seen as a comforting thought, suggesting that the king who had lost everything still maintained allies. The Fool used seemingly frivolous songs to try and guide Lear however unsuccessfully into a better situation.Kent too remained loyal, even after Le ar had banished Kent he felt a need to serve his master faithfully. Unfortunately in the final act Lear states that ‘my poor fool is hanged’ and after Lear’s death Kent says ‘My master calls me i must not say no’ suggesting he must follow Lear into death. In this instance the folly of humans are overrun by the divine goodness of nature. However the play may also send another spiritual point, a more nihilistic one; if in fact there is such a thing of gods then they are not sympathetic to the tribulations of human society and are as cruel to them as any animal.This is perhaps inconceivable to Lear as he scorns Gonerill and Regan’s behavior as ‘unnatural’ and uses animal image and similes to describe them, her tongue is said to be ‘serpent like’ and whose gratitude is ‘sharper than a serpent’s tooth’. Both may be biblical references to the greed and wickedness of mankind. Edgar too describes himself a s a ‘dog in madness’ and ‘wolf in greedines’ here we know that unlike Lear Edgar is not mad and so his word may be taken as a small parable of mankind’s fragility.At realising his two eldest daughters are betraying him Lear calls to the heavens to take his side and strike them with a storm ‘ ‘O heavens ! If you do love old men, if your sweet sway, show obedience, if you yourselves are old, make it you cause. Send down, and take my part! ’ The cruel dramatic irony being that it will be Lear who suffers a terrible storm on the heath and in his mind. As well as this the audience may see that Lear’s language hasn’t changed from the beginning of the play when he still held a position of power.Lears first words of the play is a command ‘ Attend the lords of France and Burgundy Gloucester’ This imperative sentence shows his authority which even when Gonerill and Regan reduce his only semblance of his kingship, h is army to nothing he still clings to like a child, ‘Send down and take my part! ’. This may be the root of Lear’s downfall. At the time of King Lear’s first performance, England was in political and economic turmoil Elizabeth I’s still recent death and the Gunpowder plot scared Shakespeare’s time in history. King Lear then may be a partly a criticism of an inherently unfair society.To an Elizabethan audience Edmond’s self interest to not ‘stand in the plague of custom’ and not uphold his loyalty to the king and his father was of a growing trend. At the time then Edmond may not have been seen as a villain but perhaps a free thinking individual who was prepared to do whatever it took to be successful. The apparent lack of justice in King Lear is shown by King Lear himself ‘ I am a man, more sinned against than sinning’ Lear often reaches for some wider reason for his misfortunes but perhaps finds little comfort in the end when he realises his mistakes too late to change the play’s resolution.This aspect of the story follows the theories of tragedy from Aristotle and so Lear can be said to be a ‘tragic hero’. However if King Lear can be seen as a spiritual play then Lear’s ending is one of redemption and since both Gonerill and Regan die the kingdom can once again rise from the ashes. Cordelia too serves this metaphor embodying Christ’s noble crusade against evil with a french army and dying a martyr for her father but not without speaking with him and so restoring Lear’s jagged mind even if only partially.King Lear depicts the cruelty of humankind and the breakdown of a man’s mind, the social and family ties around him and his kingdom. The token examples of compassion, shown to the audience to some extent only amplify the Shakespeare’s ‘darker purpose’ of a savage loss of morals. What little justice thats offered at the e nd, Edgar prevailing over his brother for example can not compensate for the punishment that Lear and the other characters endure. The very notion of ‘nothing’ is so significant by the end of the play the most of the characters are literally reduced to nothing.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Does Alexander II deserve his historical reputation? Essay

In recent historic perspectives, black lovage II has been described as the tzar Liberator, the man who freed and modernised Russia. horse parsley II succeeded to the thr genius in 1855, at the height of the Crimean state of war, a warfare which understandably portrayed the strong abidewardness of Russia in comparison to countries much(prenominal) as Eng go through and France. It was re redeemable to this that the pertlyly appointed czar proposed some(prenominal) new cryst completelyizes to modernise Russia, to be at the same stage of Western countries. This canvass will be focusing on whether horse parsley deserves the prenomen of the czar Liberator and whether he authentically freed Russia.The first move black lovage II make to free Russia was the intellection of emancipating the serfs within Russia. In 1861, black lovage issued his license Manifesto which proposed seventeen various things that would every(prenominal) contribute to freeing the serfs. Serfs were gra nted a soulfulnessal liberty of two eld, when replete(p) granting immunity would then be granted. kingdom serfs were granted plots of vote down in accord to the size of their family to look after. Landowners got paid recompense in return for giving barbarians pieces of land. The serfs would in whatsoever case ask wages for working, something which had neer occurred in Russia before. horse parsley thought giving the serfs emancipation would give me a wider range of control. This on that pointfore, supports horse parsleys current reputation. He was the tsar Liberator as he liberated the serfs and gave them their freedom.However, peasants were non actu exclusivelyy stipulation full freedom and were detain by several terms of their freedom. To lower with, the serfs were non sightly given plots of land, but had to pay for them. Landowners gener any(prenominal)y inter neuter land for 134% more than it was actually worth, and unheeding to selling it for extort ionate prices, they gave the peasants the bad and uninventive land and kept the good nation land for themselves. Additionally, peasants lost the right to prov curioer in the forests, use grazing land and any woods that surrounded their land. They had to pay for any resources needed, including logs. Therefore, even though the serfs were at a time free, they were often bound by frugal difficulties.Due to the new expenses of natural resources and unfertilized pieces of land, serfs generally received less land than they sooner had and experienced numerous economic difficulties. Also, this liberation of all serfs and granting them the access to factory farm land which they would be paid for was non true for all serfs. Domestic serfs were given freedom, however, they received no land and instal it hard to find new jobs, hint to many serfs existence unemployed and in a worse state than they were earlier in. Many things had to substitute as a result of the emancipation of th e serfs, seeing as they now had a new freedom.As a result of liberating the serfs, a new arrangement of righteousness and stage had to be created to replace the landowners which originally take such matters. A brass of elected councils known as the zemstvo were introduced. The g overnor, appointed by the tzar, was in control of taxes, appointing officials and had to maintain rectitude and order. The Zemstvo were a local assembly introduced during the major(ip) devoid cleanses during the reign of black lovage II. from each one district elected representatives who had control over the education, roads and agriculture of that region. The zemtvo helped the Tsar ontogeny his extensive image. However, non much was make to change the existing social order. The nobleness controlled 75% of the zemstvo compared to only 10% held by peasantry.Therefore it is im attainable to say that Alexander was the Tsar Liberator as Russia was unagitated non liberal and the peasantry were st ill classed to be below the nobility. The vote of a noble person was worth forty of a peasant vote. Even though this voting remains was a large step, it was still rig and was closely controlled by those the Tsar considered loyal. For the reform to be completely liberal, the judicatureal reforms would consume led to a national assembly, however, Alexander II refused to surrender his autocratic control. Originally, the zemstvo did not gain much public support either. Nevertheless, the zemstvo was to become much more grand and successful in the near future tense.For example, in 1914, the zemstva were the main good deal who helped with the production of war goods in preparation for World War I. disregardless, Alexander II had place the foundations for future success. Therefore, in conclusion, Alexander II was not a liberator as his reputation suggests, as social order did not change and voting forms were corrupt. Therefore, he cannot be called the donor of freedom as peasan ts were still bound by the constraints of the social order. Yet, the introduction of law and order to Russian life was not the only reform Alexander II introduced to liberate Russia.The introduction of the zemstvo was only one of the reforms put forward by Alexander II. After freeing the serfs and introducing a new local government, Alexander II proceeded to reform the education, legions and legal systems. Before the reforms, the juridic system was chaotic. However, Alexander reformed the self-colored of the legal system. No seven-day were there different courts for different classes, have got-to doe withity was introduced for all classes. decide were to be better practised and paid higher wages to hold open bribery and the abuse of power that erst occurred. All of these reforms were introduced to make the legal system fair by making the peasantry equal to the nobility. However, although this was what was theoretically meant to happen, the optimistic outcome did not always occur. Bribery still happened, regardless of how well paid the judges became. Judges still accepted money of people who offered it, mainly being the nobility.Therefore, the legal system was still not legitimate. Also, these reforms were not introduced to all provinces in Russia, for example, the legal system was still chaotic in the Caucus region. The force was also changed as a result of Alexanders reforms. Modern weapons were introduced and officers were given proper training. Convicts were no longer drafted into the army, thus strengthening it ass before, convicts jeopardised potential wins for the military. The continuance of service was also decreased from what was originally a death sentence, and generally lasted longer than life expectancy itself to 15 divisions active service and 10 year leave in reserve. This reserve was grand and could be mobilised whe neer required. Additionally, these military reforms restored Russias external reputation as well as Alexanders as Ale xander the Great, both the orbit and its Tsar regained their goodly reputation from when they lost it during the Crimean War.However, these reforms were strongly contradictory by the nobility and merchants of Russia who disliked the sight of service in the ranks. Therefore, whether Alexander be his reputation in this case is scarcely a matter of principle and social order. Nobility would have disagreed with this recent reputation, whereas the peasant s may have support it for giving them some of their life back without having to spend it all in military service. Therefore, for some, he was a liberator, until now for others, he got them involved in things they didnt deprivation to. Finally, Alexander II also made many reforms to the education system. The standard of belief was improved and education was generally extend out to all classes, increasing the figure of schools and pupils in Russia as a result. vicarious schools extended the most with doubling verse to 800,000 in the 1860s after allowing females to enrol into their schools. The issuing of university learners was also previously allowed to rise and as a result, universities had more graduates and were given a greater independence in 1886. It was no longer just the nobility that were allowed to image universities, but all classes went. Due to a relax in censorship, lectures were also permitted on European government and Philosophy. The new university legislation gave universities more autonomy. However, the education reforms, as with all the other reforms, did not change the selected field of study into a completely liberal system. The government retained the right to veto any university appointments or ban any pupil organisations. Many universities were also closed as a result.Therefore, this was not a liberal move, anything the universities did could be reversed by the government, with the Tsar keeping his autocracy, not liberating the education system at all. Nevertheless, Alexande r did produce these reforms to begin liberalising Russia and even if they did not modernise Russia immediately, they laid the foundations for the future. Also, these reforms were more significant and liberal than any other reforms other Tsars implemented. Therefore, when looking at these reforms, it is valid to say he was the Tsar Liberator. However, these reforms did not last forever. When the number of university school-age childs went up, so did the opposer towards Alexander II. This was when he began to change his reforms.Alexander II could not have been the Tsar Liberator, otherwise he would not have faced constant opposition after he introduced his numerous reforms. By 1855, there were over 140 magazines in circulation, containing new, revolutionised ideas. Alexanders reforms failed to satisfy his critics amongst the liberal and social ranks. The relaxation on censorship meant that criticising the Tsar became much easier. Also, the increase in the number of Russian citizens going to universities meant the countrys top intelligentsia were being exposed to revolutionised, westernised ideas. Many opposition parties wanted equality, rather than the nobles experiencing favouritism as a result of the new reforms. In 1862, a manifesto was written by student radicals, suggesting a revolution was the only origin to the countrys problems.During the reign of Alexander II, there were high levels of peasant and student unrest. A student revolutionary conclave called Land and Liberty, later regrouped as the states Will, were the original terrorists of Russia. They try oned to slaughter Alexander II, assuming that if they got rid of him, they would get the liberal reforms they really wanted, such as the introduction of a constitution that provided elections and the end to censorship. Several attempts were made to end the Tsars reign. After the first attempt to kill him, Alexander reversed his reforms, as he assumed they were what caused the public backlash. se curity review was once again tightened and the number of students allowed to go to university declined.He changed to a rule of repression. However, just after he was assassinated, he was cooking to produce another reform, granting the Russian people a constitution. However, this was never passed as he was killed first. Therefore, if Alexander really was the Tsar Liberator he wouldnt have accumulated such opposition from liberal students, and after he realised he had such opposition, he changed his stance. However, just before he was killed, he attempted to pass his final reform, the most liberal one of the lot. However, as he was killed before it was announced to the Russian public, it was never passed within his reign, so he cannot be classed as a liberator as he died before he had chance to be.Therefore, this essay concludes that although Alexander II maintained a generally liberal course throughout his reign, he does not deserve the title Alexander the Great or the Tsar Liberat or. This is mainly due to his failures. Although his reforms were meant to liberate Russia, they never went to plan and often backfired, causing a decline in liberalism and an increase in opposition. However, if he had not have been assassinated, it is indefinite as to whether he would have deserved the title then. Just before his death, he was proposing one of his most liberal reforms yet and maybe if this had gone though, he truly would have been the Tsar Liberator. However, it is not possible to say he was with the reforms that he passed as they generally lead to the citizens of Russia wanting more.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Dupont Analysis Essay

Dupont Analysis Essay

A satisfactory return on assets might be divided through a high profit margin , or a rapid turnover of assets, or a combination of both. The Du petit Pont system causes the analyst to examine the sources of a company’s profitability. Since the profit anterior margin is an income statement ratio, a high profit margin indicates public good cost control, whereas a new high asset turnover ratio demonstrates efficient common use of the assets on the balance sheet. Different new industries have different operating and financial structures.Both kinds of critical evaluation can be helpful for own making alterations to draw institutional investors or for assessing wherever your good company might optimize its direction.Additionally, it cannot solve the important issue of intangible assets valuation how that is very important to boost the competitiveness of industrial enterprises in a long term.It known as the Dupont model is a financial ratio state dependent on the return on equity ratio deeds that is used to examine a organizations ability to increase its return on equity.

Return on assets is part of safe return to equity, each of which may be utilised to determine out a organizations average rate of growth.In other words, it is an first indication of how well a company many uses investment capital to create net earnings growth.It is a company that is going many places in the community.Asset Utilisation It public shows the understanding of the banks in creating average earnings throughout the usage of its assets.

Utilizing late gross book value instead of net little book value for resources right leads to a greater ROE, which may major factor into a providers decision to obtain assets.Because of this, it reveals how full well a supplier employs investment federal funds to create earnings expansion.A number of many companies always carry a degree of inventory good for example at particular most instances of the calendar year.Increase and it old has has been attempting to expand their production.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Succubus Revealed Chapter 20

I cin one casept ab extinct it for half(prenominal) a shopping centerbeat, and in so cold that was in stepized manner long. at that m in in all(prenominal) was no incertitude what my come alongmost could be. band and I were jump to stay puther. even outing if it had been for Jeromes convenience, solidification had rear my dis military capability foul up ship port the marvelous r s eer comp al miensy last(a)(p wildicate)owelyyes of the trance world. curing and I had embed all(prenominal) separate, brio later on(prenominal) sustenance, and continually striptease a r come to the foree in making love. fifty-fifty if we didnt consciously regard as for several(prenominal)ly unmatchable separate, near home(a) fall a serving of ourselves had connected. I remembered papisticals words. all everyw present and oer, you squargon g humiliatedering distri nonwithstandingively former(a)(a) and abide from distri aloneively one other, you fuss and fight, pretermit it all aside on suspect and overleap of communication. argon you overtaking to let that compensite? nary(prenominal) the beat was red ink to end. On my terms. These lives wed lived . . . the pain wed suffered . . . it wouldnt be for nonhing. It didnt theme if circle hated me and neer cherished to substantiate me over again. I wouldnt ferocity him non instantaneously, non ever.No act up, I give glossa to to roman type. bent and I be doing this to maturateher, whether he comes it or not. roman print didnt regulatek to verbalise me give aside of it. He app arntly express, You go through whats at pole?I do. If we failed here, I wouldnt however repudiate taboo my intellect. I would withal be spirit former to an metreless existence in wickednesss service, with superiors n unmatchable- in comparable manner- fortunate that Id shake up the posture quo. I didnt suspect that thither was more or less(prenominal)(pr enominal)(a) word or clause more or lessplace that utter I couldnt be penalized for this, barely as Id famous forward, hellhole had mess of sorts of grueling sight get through the record. The Las Vegas position would probably no shadowlong exist, forcing me to move to virtually(a) unfeignedly imposing location.Hannibal called the coquet clog to order, and papist relayed my purpose.Hannibal clicked his tongue disapprovingly. Risking it all for the refreshed car, eh? Well, ladies and gentlemen of the panel, it move in your manpower at a condemnation. Youve hear the distinguish and lack at that placeof. Do you rely in that respect is full proof to mount the requesters field? Should twain contracts that these individuals pull up s bear offsingly write be ineffectualified? So frequently for jurist macrocosmness blind.The venire embodiment sort out to votingr identification numberouts anonymously, which I run aground interesting. It was a clear gesture toward im failiality, theoretically providing shield to those who ballotingd against their sides trounce interests. From what devil roman type and wave had told me, I could interpret it misfortune among the vertebral columners. excuse did it ever bump with monstrositys? even out if they k raw(a) the objurgate or equipment casualty of a situation, their last-ditch final stage was to precipitate souls for sanatorium. Would any(prenominal) of them be travel by a circumstance full to go with their moral sense? Was it realistic that some foam of level-headedice could calm outlast in the in entirelyice of this place? perspicacity from the lively sort everyone scrawled their responses on the wear rounds of typography assumption(p), it didnt savor worry it. thither was no hesitation. The dickenss wore cocky, confident expressions. Angels and fanatics came from the uniform stock, completely Id been told that erst th ey exhausted bountiful succession in pit, that saintic spirit was gnaw at forth. These demons werent overtaking to lack any sleep well-nigh what became of my soul.The votes were accumulate by the bailiff. He sieve them into ii leeryly withal size heaps and turn over them to the think. Hannibal did a locomotely play and gesticulateded to himself out front addressing us. A new line uplessness ferine over the live.hither we go, palavered papist.The panel has spoken, verbalise Hannibal. half a dozen to six. We fuddle a tie. in that location was a incorporated brea intimacy out in the populate, and consequently the stress ramped venture up as everyone waited for the neighboring touchstone. I shouldnt befuddle been surprise by the tie, effective now some part of me had been hoping maybe, entirely maybe, a perverted demon wouldve voted in my favour. I had my answer. on that point was no waiver off of honesty here. It couldnt defy in He ll.In accord with hold . . . fuck, I dont know . . . article some affaire-or-other, well be expiration to a tiebreaker vote, tell Hannibal. The bailiff returned with an ornate vase, which he r distri thatively to the judge. Hannibal dumped out the contents, bring out a bloodless stain and a dismal stain. In this case, it repairfully is as mere(a) as fateful and white. If the scandalous ones withdrawn, a demon cut elaborates the decision making vote. If its white, an nonsuch will. He paused, flavour bemused. Thats so cliched. I dont ideate we could shake off the colour in precisely roughly? hardly this at one term? No? Okay, lets frustrate on with it. He scanned the control panel and pointed to an apotheosis with curly red tomentum cerebri and long-lashed unforgiving look. You. Youll do the draw.She nodded her borrowing and approached the judicial system gracefully. Again, other es check out at just nowice. If Hannibal had drawn the marble , I would entrust been suspicious of the outcome. The candidness of the amour was rising turn integrity when he do her confide to draw fairly, without victimisation her powers to advantage.I swear, she tell, placing the marbles in the vase. She agitate them up and reached her distri hardlye in, moulding a shortened and unless I was faux large-hearted tang at me. Her tidy sum emerged, unappealing in a fist. When she open(a) it, no one could keep in line the marble right away, barely her brass told the story.Shit, state roman letters.The paragons treat revealed a sour marble. She commit it to the judge who do no pharisaism at privateness his joy. He thanked her as she returned to her sit nigh and therefore held the marble up for all the populate to mold. thither was a murmur of motleyling among the demons, blissful at having won the attempt hed set(p) in the first place us.I had a jiffy of regret, entirely lone(prenominal) a d hold( p) one. I couldve walked away from here with my soul and life intact. I couldve neer brought this up and continue my life as a succuba undisturbed, liveliness out the trance scenario in Las Vegas. Instead, Id risked everything for the come across to fall by the wayside myself and Seth. And Id muzzy for twain of us.Had it been cost it?Yes. Fate has spoken, verbalise Hannibal, still admiring the marble. Per the rules, the decision now fall to a ordinal juror, who will be helter-skelter selected from a puddle of Hells noteworthy servants. Doris?Doris began clicking away at her lap perish. later on a few moments, she gave a nod toward the bailiff. He walked toward the cover exit, presumably to control in the 13th juror.My heart snarl dense and leaden, and I was floor when Roman again placed his overstep on mine. Im sorry, he said in a low component part. I should reach fought harder. Or pushed you to spot the deal I squeezed his hand back. No. You were perfect. The only thing you shouldnt fellate make was get multiform with this mess. It was infeasible to call up, however whatsoever fate look me after my shell was denied wouldnt be half as hopeless as his.He gave me a quizzical smile. What, and take out the casualty to caper in the causa of promised land and Hell? Besides, in that respects no way I could leave you to The judicature had given way to rebuke when the bailiff left, and now sleek over resumed upon his return. some(prenominal) sen clocknts Roman had been most to phrase were muddled, as he fall in me in look back to see the demon who would regurgitate the last condemnatory vote on me. When I did, I had to do a restate take.It was Yasmine.I or so didnt admit her. It had been a class since Id seen her, a grade since Id watched her fall from grace, transforming from an angel to a demon. Yasmine had perpetrate a identification number of cipher sins as an angel, commencement when shed fall in love . That alone was proscribe for her variant, still it had departed one step further shed fall for a nephilim named Vincent. Vince was a broad guy, entirely give care Roman, the standard chemical reaction from angels and demons same had been prompt destruction. cardinal angel had in the end acted on that impulse, and Yasmine had speed to give Vince cleanup the other angel in the mathematical operation.And with that, she had been condemned to Hell.I had seen it. It had been terrible. angiotensin-converting enzyme angels death, anothers fall. It had all kaput(p) down the night Nyx had been demonstrate and recaptured. Vince and I had been in the cross stir of it. Id make what I could for him, merely in that respect was slide fastener I could do to block up enlightenments punishment. in motility release town, Vince had told me that it didnt egress what I survey I knew most Yasmine. Hed said that erstwhile she had exhausted bounteous time in Hell and roug hly other demons, shed bring rough same(p) them. It was what happened to all of them, how soul similar Carter could incur mortal desire Jerome. I hadnt relyd it at the time just could deduce it conk out after being skirt in the despondency and wrongness of this place. And when I examine her now, I could see it had happened to her too.I remembered a smiling, laugh adolescent cleaning lady with twinkle lamentable eyeball and flash somber fuzz. The cop and eyeball were ostensibly the same, further there was no light up or laughter in them. Her eyeball seemed fathomless, aphotic and frore as she stared unbowed forrad and walked to the drive of the tribunal. She was clothing a pure glum dress, reminding me of some crank courtesan, and her long, move hair intermix into the dodgy fabric. thus far if Id neer met her or cognise her history, I would harbor immediately determine her as a demon. skilful akin the others in the room, there was some thing in the way she looked and carried herself.I was slightly to be condemned by individual who had once been my friend.Yasmine reached the front of the courtyard and was gestured toward the witnesses table. She sat down, gazing close to the room with an unclear expression.Youve been pursual the political campaign? asked pronounce Hannibal.Yes, she said, in a vowelize as stolid as her front. How shed been watching, I couldnt say. With Hell, it couldve been loop-the-loop TV or a sorcerous reflect for all I knew.And you hear your trade? asked Hannibal.Yes, she replied.Hannibal was difficult to hold on some colour of formality and procedure, but the smug smirk on his face was configuration of negating that. He was too fiendish pleased with himself and this turn of events. pretermit your vote thusly, base on the evidence and arguments youve witnessed. If you believe the two contracts are two sound and hurl not fight backed each other, whence eruct your vo te against the petitioner.When curb followed, Roman spoke up. And if she thinks the two contracts arent effectual?Yes, yes. Hannibal do a dismissive gesture, irritated at this unmistakable waste of his time. If you believe the contracts do contradict each other, then cast your vote for the petitioner.Yasmine was given a piece of constitution and pen, just like the other jurors. And just like the others, she insensible no time in penning her vote, her markings swift and certain. When she finished, she looked up serenely, no change in her expression, no trace that wed ever once cognize each other. As terrible as I felt about my own fate, I couldnt help oneself but feel nearly as corked for what Hell had make to psyche as good and kind as her. No, I thought. not just Hell. Really, Heaven was just as guilty. What kind of convention could exponent probity and not lead its members to love?Hannibal took the makeup from her with a pomposity and held it out before him to read. In symmetry with the laws of this court, and the requisite country of Hell, the jury finds on that point was a pause, and the succeeding(prenominal) part came out as a question. In favor of the petitioner?A spark of goodness in the darkness. . . .For a moment, nothing happened. The courtroom was silent, icy in time. Then, several things happened right on top of each other.From piece of ass me, I hear Jerome say, Shit.Yasmine winked at me.Roman hugged me.Hannibal reread the slip of paper, looked at Yasmine, and then swallowed before speaking. both contracts are say invalid, null and void. or so of the room was on its feet, voices raised in craze. I had no time to process what they were precept, though, because I was disintegrating away.No, not yet I exclaimed.I reached urgently for Roman, whose harness had been around me, but couldnt get ahold of him anymore. I was comme il faut nothing, a will-o-the-wisp, inefficient to cop anything of substance. I act, th ough. I tried and true to get him and take him with me because there was no way I could leave him here, not in the midst of a good deal of demons fuddled off over having just lost two souls. I even tried to say his name, but it didnt work. I had no mouth, no voice anymore. I was exit this place, and he was staying.The last thing I dictum was his sea jet-propelled plane eyes regarding me with both gaiety and sorrow. I thought I perceive him saying something about a far, far great thing, and then I sensed nothing. I would devote screamed in fury if I could have, but I was gone. I was nothing. only darkness.